The wine community has stepped up and assembled a program for bloggers to join the 2nd annual Wine Bloggers Conference in the USA this July with a fund to support bloggers who couldn’t otherwise get there on their own. Who cares? I’m thinking anyone who has a forward looking glance. Anyone who is interested in an alternative, progressive, supportive wine industry. Anyone who likes the democratic, grassroots, widespread distrubution of influence when it comes to wine, wine knowledge and wine information.
If you are a qualified (wine) blogger and interested in applying for a bloggership, click here.
Generally, there is a community of us that believes that we are all better served when the best of us are contributing to the industry. We have met many a wine, food and lifestyle blogger that writes, learns and contributes value to the wine bloggosphere and can’t afford to attend the WBC this year. Whether it is the economy or the naiscent atmosphere of the blogging industry, we cannot let this diverse, pervasive and exciting medium die under our watch.
Have you already donated? If not, why? Click here.
Hahn Estates is donating to support blogger attendance, and so is St. Supery. There are many other wineries and wine industry companies in tow. If you have not heard about or attended the WBC, or listened to the conversation on the Open Wine Consortium or attended W.I.T.S or heard about the wave of Social Networking, there is some catching up to do.
Panelists for the Fund include:
Thea Dwelle @winebratsf – wine blogger and social media champion
Megan Riley Kenney @sonadora – wine blogger
Liza Swift @brixchick_liza – wine blogger
Joel Vincent @joelvincent – wine industry professional and Wine Blogger Conference Organizer
Catie McIntyre Walker@catie – wine retailer and wine blogger
Ward Kadel @drxeno – wine blogger West Coast Ambassador,
Find out more. Donate or apply. Then tell your friends. You’ll be glad you did.